Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cast First Impressions Pt. 2

JOEY - She irritates me and I can't explain why. She knows very little about BB and stated in one interview that she doesn't have TV. In another interview when asked to choose her favorite between 2 shows, she chose like she'd seen them For instance she chose TAR over Survivor. Is she already practicing her lies? I can't say I'm going to root for a player who starts out by lying to me. I can't see her lasting for more than 3 weeks.

NICOLE - Something isn't right here. I think there is a whole lot more to this woman than we are seeing. If not, she has some serious issues. Afraid to sleep alone because she's afraid of ghosts? Has to have someone to cuddle with in bed? Nerdy country bumpkin? I can't figure out this one. I don't like what I see so far. I don't think the other women will like her either, but they will use her for a vote and possibly the game's pawn. She says she loves to eat. This season's weight gaining fatty?

PAOLA (POW-POW) - Very outgoing and in your face. She is a friend of Gina Marie, who was a somewhat controversial player in last season (15). Everybody will either love Paola or hate her. I'm leaning towards liking her, but I'm reserved about it. Her energy might become irritating if she is not in control of it. She seems honest and friendly.

VICTORIA - Something about Victoria literally grates on me the second she opens her mouth. She is very judgmental and is quick to lay on labels, yet she doesn't see that she is describing herself. She doesn't like catty women , yet she is catty. She labels people with almost every sentence! She really dislikes arrogance and I love it, because she is going to hate Zach. I'm going to enjoy watching her live angry for her duration. It would be awesome to see her in a huge, ugly & loud verbal fight.

ZACH - Please people....spell his name right. No "K." Grrr. Pet peeve. OK. I love Zach. I've seen him in 3 interviews so far and I'm getting ready to watch him in a 4th. The interview with Rachel was the best! I've haven't seen such in your face, brutal honesty since Evel Dick. Very refreshing. Here is the link. For the first time in years I have actually felt excited about a player. I really hope he is as sassy in the game. Not at first, but I hope he shows his true colors soon after finding his groove in the game. Just think---he may actually decide to NOT vote with the house sometimes. I'm rooting for Zach to win. He is very polarizing. You will love him or hate him.